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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Real Estate Jargon Made Simple

Hotel appraisals and market studies generally come with their own language. This month's column will be devoted to defining some of those often used and sometimes misunderstood expressions.

The Broker Vs. The Appraiser: How to Value A Hotel

Estimating the value of a hotel is one of the mos difficult appraisal assignments. Transient lodging facilities represent not only real estate investments but going businesses as well.

The Valuation of Distressed Hotels

Today's hotel market is in a state of chaos. The overbuilding of the 1980s coupled with the recession of the 1990s has sent hotel occupancies in many parts of the country plummeting.

Understanding Economic Life

Economic life is the period when improvements to a property contribute to property value. Hotels and motels have a definite life span of positive cash flow.

Value In Use Versus Value In Exchange

An allocation of a hotel's value between land, improvements and personal property is sometimes required to establish depreciable tax basis, property tax appeals, and for other similiar reasons occasioned by the sale or continuing operation of the pro

Valuing Distressed Properties

As more lodging properties run out of operating capital and are forclosed upon by their lenders, it becomes increasingly important for hotel buyers, sellers and lenders to understand the techniques utilized in valuing distressed facilities.

Adjusting Comparable Sales for Hotels Assessment Appeals

While working on a property tax appraisal for a 500-room downtown Sheraton hotel, we were confronted with a comparable sale which, on the surface, did not support our opinion that the subject property was overassessed.

Hotel Business Value and Working Capital: A Clarification

In the October 1986 issue of The Apprasial Journal, Anthony Reynolds, MAI, wrote an article for the Notes and Comments section entitled "Attributing Hotel Income to Real Estate and to Personalty." His comment eessentially focused on an article that

It's a Good Time to Review Your Taxes

With declining occupancies a problem in many areas of the country, along with increasing mortgage interest rates and inflation, it is a good time to review your property taxes and possibly commence a formal appeal to have them reduced.

Middle East Hotels - Trends and Opportunities 2002

The 2002 edition of HVS International’s report on Trends and Opportunities for Hotels in the Middle East
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