Hotel Investments & Ownership
Performance Clauses Essential In Contract
When investors and lenders call and ask “what are hotel cap rates today?” the first question is, “what net income are you using in your equation?”
Balancing Financial and Non-Financial Objectives in Public-Sector/Private-Sector Hotel Relationships
Public-/private-sector partnerships, while sometimes challenging, can certainly result in a win-win situation when financial and non-financial goals and objectives are clearly defined and effectively aligned.
Retrospectively, 2004 was a banner year for the gaming industry, highlighted by revenue spikes, major consolidation, and significant expansion (both domestically and internationally).
An inside look at one of the nation’s top hotel acquisition funds. Find out what they are looking for and what are they buying.
Hotel Investments: A Guide for Lenders and Owners describes the process of making sound hotel investments.
Hotels should go above and beyond their competitors to sell peace of mind. In return for taking better care, hotels should benefit from better internal control procedures, measurable payback and considerable goodwill.
Hotel overbuilding is a subject which has been frequently addressed by hotel and real estate professionals during the last few years. Advice is often given on how individual hotels can better compete within on overbuilt market by utilizing tools suc
The Magic, Curse Of Leverage
Steve Rushmore's Septemeber 2004 Hotels article