Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
132 results
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The Repercussions Of September 11: What Is the Future Of Hotel Values

Anne Lloyd-Jones discusses factors impacting hotel investments in the post 9/11 environment, and correctly predicts the initial decline and ultimate revival in hotel values that we are witnessing today.

P2P: Are There Any More Public-to-Private Deals Left?

What are the alternatives to P2Ps for investors and owners? Jakob Forstnig and Bernard Forster demonstrate how P2P deals were structured and give an outlook for listed hotel companies in Europe.

Parking Asset Management

More Than Spare Change in the Parking Couch... The First Edition of a Three Part Series on Parking Asset Management Success

Extracting Value From Hotels in Hawaii Through Conversion

In this article, the authors discuss why the current trend of converting the use of transient lodging facilities in Hawaii to alternative uses is so appealing to developers.

Anatomy of a Hotel Investment Fund

An inside look at one of the nation’s top hotel acquisition funds. Find out what they are looking for and what are they buying.

The Rushmore Letter - Hotel Investments: A Guide for Lenders and Owners

Hotel Investments: A Guide for Lenders and Owners describes the process of making sound hotel investments.

Performance Analysis Techniques to Drive Profits

Australian Tourism Export Council Symposium, Royal Pines Resort – 30 April 2004
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