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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
37 results

Hotel Values in Transition - An Appraisal Technique for These Uncertain Times

Recent trends in hotel capitalization and discount rates are discussed and a basis for developing capitalization rates and discount rates in today’s uncertain market environment is set forth. And I have attached the edited

Hotel Cap Rates and Values in a Changing Market Environment

A summary on gauging just how much hotel values have been impacted by the recent stock market plunge and impending recession.

Does Your Underwriting Adequately Compensate for the Timing of Future Cash Flow?

Investors are pursuing property turnarounds and repositionings to generate higher yields. Are investors and lenders adequately considering the increased risk of earning future cash flows?

Hotel Capitalization Rates Bottom Out

Hotel capitalization rates have bottomed out, as rates of return remain at record low levels and NOI upside has begun to subside. This article updates data that were presented in a previous article on hotel capitalization rates.

Forecasting Market-wide Gaming Revenue (Win) for the Macau Special Administrative Region

Forecasting gaming revenue for the Macau SAR over the next five to seven years will be particularly challenging primarily due to the current extraordinarily high win per unit per day (WPUPD) and the unprecedented anticipated growth in supply.

Low Cap Rates Drive Gains in Hotel Values

Reduced interest rates and lower equity yield requirements have had a substantial positive impact on hotel values. Additional value gains are now being fueled by more aggressive deal underwriting, as discussed in this article.

Allure of Hotel Investment Expected to Moderate Rise in Capitalization Rates as Rebound Takes Hold

When investors and lenders call and ask “what are hotel cap rates today?” the first question is, “what net income are you using in your equation?”

Low Interest Rates and High Demand for Hotel Assets Fuels Value Gains

In this article the author explains how current low interest rates and high demand for hotel assets affect value gains.