Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
43 results

In Focus: Muscat

After reaching the milestone of 1 billion US$ generated revenue in 2012, Oman’s tourism sector has much to look forward to in the upcoming years, particularly with the development of major projects such as the Omagine,The Wave, Jebel Sifah and OCEC.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Lansing, Michigan

New business partnerships, investments in high-tech companies and facilities, and rising hotel demand and average rates point toward a path of growth for Lansing’s economy and hotels.

2011 Middle East Hotel Survey - Shifting Sands

The Middle East Hotel Survey 2011 includes 352 hotels and some 93,500 hotel rooms (an increase of 36% on last year) across 52 cities in the Middle East, making it one of the most reliable benchmarking surveys in the region.

Diárias baixas impedem expansão da hotelaria de São Paulo

As diárias da cidade de São Paulo estão extremamente baixas para uma metrópole desta importância e porte.

O melhor momento para comprar ou vender uma unidade hoteleira

A escolha do melhor momento para comprar ou vender uma unidade hoteleira não é tarefa fácil, porém, cercando-se de uma análise adequada o investidor reduz o seu risco de vender ou comprar na hora errada e perder o melhor do mercado.

Hotéis com Asset Management da HVS São Paulo Crescem a Renda Enquanto Mercado Cai

A figura do Hotel Asset Manager tem se mostrado cada vez mais importante e fundamental na hotelaria nacional. Neste artigo evidenciamos numericamente como o trabalho desse gestor tem resultado em um melhor desempenho financeiro para o investidor.

Changing Times Require Changing Hotel Business Models

The performance of the hotel industry can be either enhanced or limited by the way in which hotel business is conceptualised. This article illustrates how economic trends present opportunities to redefine hotel business models and create value.

Muscat Market Snapshot

This article gives an overview of the Muscat hotel market, an emerging market with numerous investment opportunities.

What Part of No Don’t You Understand? How to Track and Assess Lost Group Business

Group sales managers in hotels, convention and conference center, and CVB’s need to understand the reasons for lost business. This article presents a comprehensive approach to lost business analysis that helps increase group sales.

Oman Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in Oman together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.