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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Technology In Hospitality - Clash and Collaboration

Technologists and Hoteliers have very different personalities, yet both are critical to successful hotel technology decisions. This article explores the nature of that sometimes difficult collaboration, and offers some advice for a smooth process.

Buying a Hotel To House Your Tour Flow

Tour flow alone typically will not fill a hotel. Business travelers, meeting and convention travelers, and pleasure or leisure travelers are the three primary market segments that comprise the total of lodging demand.

Appraisal of Timeshare Projects

Individual components of the business can be analyzed and evaluated separately. A timeshare development is actually three businesses in one, each with distinct characteristics and value observations as noted in the article.

Observations From The Road

Steve Rushmore's May 2004 Hotels article.

Assessing the Economic Impact of Investment in Public Facilities

Looking only at new spending and income are not sufficient to determine public sector investment in hotel and tourism projects, and a broader definition and measurement of the economic impact of these projects is necessary.

The Appraisal of Food Service Facilities

The real growth of the food industry is consideraly less than the apparent increases signaled by steadily rising sales volumes. Nevertheless, there are opportunties for growth and profits for well-managed restaurants.

Hotel Franchising: How To Be A Successful Franchise

Hotel owners must know what they are getting into before signing that franchise agreement.

Publish and Prosper

For many years, academicians have been pressured by their institutions to publish or perish.

The Rushmore Letter

An Important Article Defending the “Rushmore Approach” for Valuing the Real Property Component of a Hotel.
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