Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Economy and Hotel Sales Improve in the Second Quarter of 2003

This article highlights how the economy and hotel sales move in tandem. Starting in May of this year, right after President Bush announced the combat portion of the war in Iraq over, the economy and hotel sales started to improve.

Fire Your Staff - And Lease Them Back

Employee leasing works as follows: you the owner/employer terminate your employees and immediatley hire them back by an employee leasing organization.

Structuring A Hotel Investment

The components of a hotel investment, complete with an example of how such transactions are being conducted, are examined.

The Art of Hotel Renovation

As the number of major renovations increases, it becomes ever more important to manage and control the process. One reason for the increase is that many hotels built in the 70s and 80s need more that a facelift and con't compete with newer product.

The Ultimate Guest Room: Could It Ever Exist Anywhere?

As hotel-motel appraisers and consultants, our fir inspects hundreds of lodging facilities each year. Our experience and imaginations have led us to formulate the following list of amenties that would characterize the perfect luxury hotel room.

The Ups and Downs of Operating Leverage

During 1996, hotel values in some parts of the U.S. increased by as much as 60 percent. To someone unfamiliar with the concept of hotel operating leverage, this enormous rise seems impossible.

Who Needs An Asset Manager?

The lodging buzzword of the 1990s must be asset management. Many hotel companies are offering it. Most hotel owners need it. But very few people really know what it is.

Feasibility Studies: Fact or Fiction

Recently. the trade press has been buzzing with articles addressing the topic of hotel feasibility studies and whether they accurately portray the future operating results of a proposed hotel.

Forcasting Revenues And Expenses

In forecasting revenues and expenses for a lodging facility, progressive hotel appraisal firms use a fixed and variable compenent model.
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