Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Valuing Distressed Properties

As more lodging properties run out of operating capital and are forclosed upon by their lenders, it becomes increasingly important for hotel buyers, sellers and lenders to understand the techniques utilized in valuing distressed facilities.

Adjusting Comparable Sales for Hotels Assessment Appeals

While working on a property tax appraisal for a 500-room downtown Sheraton hotel, we were confronted with a comparable sale which, on the surface, did not support our opinion that the subject property was overassessed.

Hotel Business Value and Working Capital: A Clarification

In the October 1986 issue of The Apprasial Journal, Anthony Reynolds, MAI, wrote an article for the Notes and Comments section entitled "Attributing Hotel Income to Real Estate and to Personalty." His comment eessentially focused on an article that

It's a Good Time to Review Your Taxes

With declining occupancies a problem in many areas of the country, along with increasing mortgage interest rates and inflation, it is a good time to review your property taxes and possibly commence a formal appeal to have them reduced.

Feasibility Study of Expansion of Headquarters Hotel Capacity

The Franklin County Convention Facilities Authority retained HVS International to analyze the feasibility of developing additional full-service convention hotel capacity in downtown Columbus, in the immediate vicinity of the Greater Columbus Conventi

Measuring Economic Impact

In a presentation at the 2001 Annual Conference of the Government Officer's Association, Tom Hazinski, Managing Director of HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting describes and critically examines the theory and practice of meas

Seven Current Hotel-Valuation Techniques

Hotel Investors and appraisers use a variety of techniques to value hotels.

Cap Rate 101

Whenever people say they're planning to purchase a hotel, one of the forst questions asked of them is: "What capitalization rate are you using?" Cap rate, as it is called in the industry, has many meanings.

Tax-Exempt Hotel Financing

Because of the limited availability of conventional financing for full-service convention center headquarters hotels, many governments are turning to the tax-exempt bond market to finance their projects.

Room Tax Study - Arena Bond Refunding

Projection of future revenues from the room tax collection of five municipalities near Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Room Taxes may be pledged to support debt service on a proposed dedicated tax revenue bond issue. The proceeds from the Bonds will suppor
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