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Como os hotéis mais bem sucedidos estão lidando com a atual crise economica

Os números indicam que os hotéis podem continuar aumentando suas diárias.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Asheville, North Carolina

Business, tourism, and an idyllic mountain setting are perennial features of Asheville, creating demand for hotels old and new.

Guadalajara — Preparing for the Future

The popularity of Guadalajara has surged in recent years, attracting new businesses, residents, and developments that are positioning the city as a world-class business and travel destination.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: San Juan, Puerto Rico

New developments are making the “Walled City” more welcoming than ever, while limited supply allows occupancies to remain strong and average rates to increase tremendously.

Hotelería en Argentina - Fuerte expansión del rubro en todo el país

HVS Buenos Aires participa activamente del desarrollo de emprendimientos hoteleros y turísticos en la Argentina, acompañando el crecimiento de un sector en pleno auge.

Market Overview - Sydney, Australia

As Australia’s leading commercial city and the gateway for most international travellers to Australia, the demand for hotel room nights in Sydney acts as a barometer for the general performance of the hotel industry across the country.
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