Global Hospitality Report (June 1, 2015)

2015 Manhattan Lodging Overview 
By Roland deMilleret, MAI and Erin Bagley

The New York City borough of Manhattan is among the strongest, most diverse, and most dynamic hotel markets in the world. Manhattan’s resiliency has been borne out over the course of recovery from three national recessions over the past 25 years.

HVS Perspectives on the All-Inclusive Product 
By Kristina D'Amico

Today's rising popularity of all-inclusive resorts is directly correlated to the value proposition for the guest. The resorts that offer customized products and services with personalized experiences are beneficial to both the owner and the customer.

Trends and Opportunities Brazil 2014 | 2015 
By Diogo Canteras, and Pedro Cypriano

This article analyzes hospitality markets in six major Brazilian cities – São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre and Salvador – discussing key performance indicators in 2014 vis-à-vis past years.

Excerpts: China Hotel Investment Watch 2015 
By Daniel Voellm and Cathy Nie

The annual China Hotel Investment Watch, now in its sixth edition, serves as an important indicator of the investment climate in the Chinese hotel market for stakeholders in their effort to evolve the Chinese hotel industry to the next level!

Aitken Spence Adds Two New Properties in the Maldives 

Aitken Spence Hotels, a Sri Lanka-based hotel operator, has announced its acquisition of two new properties in the Maldives. According to TTG Asia, the company has invested US$5 million to lease the Raafushi Island in Noonu Atoll, where it will build a four-star resort. A further investment of US$50 million will go into developing a 163-key five-star property on Aaarah Island in Raa Atoll. The new additions to its portfolio will make Aitken Spence the largest foreign hotel operator in the Maldives. The developments will join some 1,700 rooms currently within the Maldives’ new supply pipeline. In the first quarter of 2015, the destination enjoyed a slight growth in international visitor arrivals, attracting 329,968 arrivals in the first three months, a 2.6% increase from the first quarter of 2014. The Maldives received a record 1.2 million visitors in 2014, an annual growth of 7.1% from 2013. Its top five feeder markets include China, Germany, the UK, Russia and Italy.


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