Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
358 results

Understanding Economic Life

Economic life is the period when improvements to a property contribute to property value. Hotels and motels have a definite life span of positive cash flow.

Valuing Distressed Properties

As more lodging properties run out of operating capital and are forclosed upon by their lenders, it becomes increasingly important for hotel buyers, sellers and lenders to understand the techniques utilized in valuing distressed facilities.

Seven Current Hotel-Valuation Techniques

Hotel Investors and appraisers use a variety of techniques to value hotels.

Cap Rate 101

Whenever people say they're planning to purchase a hotel, one of the forst questions asked of them is: "What capitalization rate are you using?" Cap rate, as it is called in the industry, has many meanings.

GOPPAR, a derivative of RevPAR!

This article shows the pitfalls of RevPAR, and elaborates on the advantages of using a complementary performance measure, GOPPAR.

How to Lower the Property Taxes on Your Hotel or Restaurant

Factors both internal and external to a hotel property affect its value, and in turn, its property tax burden. In most cases, an experienced hotel appraiser, employing a proven appeal protocol, is needed to determine whether a property is unfairly assessed.