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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Market Intelligence Report 2013: Austin

Underpinned by emblems of education, government, business, music, and history, Austin’s economy ranks among the best in the nation. New full-service hotels should lead to more convention demand, with hotel performance growth expected market-wide.

Market Intelligence Report 2013: Houston

With demand driven by energy, health care, and shipping, Houston’s hotel market reached historically high occupancy and average rate in 2013. The following article tracks trends in hotel supply, demand, and performance across the city’s submarkets.

Market Intelligence Report 2013: St. Louis

$2.5 billion in projects are under development across multiple economic sectors, including tourism, in St. Louis. The return of commercial and leisure demand, along with rising average rates, should speed recovery for the city’s hotels.

Steve Rushmore's 2013 NYU Presentation

Hotel Valuation & Transaction Trends For the US Lodging Industry.

Market Intelligence Report 2013: Oklahoma City

Employment in Oklahoma City stands far ahead of the nation, and activity generated by agriculture, energy concerns, and the military has kept the economy going strong. What has this meant for recent hotel performance, supply, and transactions?

2013 Middle East Hotel Survey Maximum Supportable Investments

The 2013 Middle East Hotel Survey provides market aggregate, key performance indicators reinforcing the resilience of the region, moreover offering investors an indication of maximum supportable development costs when undertaking hotel investments.

Market Intelligence Report 2013: Bismarck

The energy boom has transformed North Dakota’s hotel industry, with new assets springing up and existing hotels realizing new peaks in performance as energy-related demand rolls in. How does the capital city of Bismarck stand to benefit?

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Greater Wilmington, Delaware

The recent recession cut into Wilmington’s hotel market as demand from financial institutions and other firms weakened; however, new projects, rising room rates, and a strengthening economy in the city and MSA are putting RevPAR on the mend.

HVS Hotel Market Intelligence Report: Corpus Christi, Texas

Corpus Christi’s economy is buttressed by tourism, an expanding international port of shipping and trade, and an energy industry that has realized enormous growth over the past few years. How have improving economic conditions affected area hotels?

HVS Hong Kong presents: The Greater China Update - 1st Quarter 2013

Hong Kong visitor arrivals were driven by mainland Chinese visitors, while greater China faces a headwind.
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