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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Canadian Lodging Outlook October 2001

The Effect on Capitalization Rates and Discount Factors After September 11

Canadian Lodging Outlook November 2001

2001 Canadian Hotel Sales

Canadian Lodging Outlook December 2001

2001 was a great year if you were in Edmonton!

Canadian Lodging Outlook February 2000

The Appraisal of Timeshare Projects

Canadian Lodging Outlook March 2000

What's Hot and What's Not in Western Canadian Hotel Markets

Canadian Lodging Outlook - June 2000

What's Hot and What's Not in Eastern Canadian Hotel Markets

Canadian Lodging Outlook September 2000

Hotel Internet Services: Where to Start?

Canadian Lodging Outlook October 2000

HVS International is proud to once again be a sponsor of the UCLA Extension's....
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