Astrid Clough McDowell is a Senior Editor with HVS and oversees the editing needs for the Atlanta, Boulder/Denver, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia/Wilmington, Portland, and St. Louis C&V offices, as well as the Austin and Nashville satellite offices. She is also the editor for the Mexico City HVS office. Astrid, known by her friends and colleagues as "AC," earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder and has extensive experience in language education.
Astrid was a flight attendant with United Airlines for seven years and was based out of Chicago, Los Angeles, and Denver; she'll proudly admit that she has visited every state in the USA (with the exception of Alaska) and is very familiar with every metropolitan area and almost every hotel chain. She also enjoys traveling internationally, spending time in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and Mexico, among others. Astrid is the writing teacher for the HVS Professional Development Training Center (CTU) in Fort Collins, Colorado and also teaches Spanish within her community in Boulder, Colorado.
I see little comment on security issues. Is this having no impact?
Thanks a lot