Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Suburban Resorts in China

Since around 2005 an increasing number of internationally branded resorts have opened in China. This article investigates their working model, demand profiles, key facilities and market outlook.



Middle East Hotel Survey 2010 - Reshuffling the Deck

HVS’s Middle East Hotel Survey for 2010 covers 259 hotels totaling 68,888 rooms. This year, we have included for the first time some additional submarkets, notably in the UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

A Competitividade do Turismo Brasileiro

A constituição de uma nova estrutura de governança, o Grupo Gestor do Destino, apresenta-se como uma iniciativa importante para melhorar o nível de competividade de uma localidade turística.

Warsaw, Poland - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles that HVS is producing every month on a series of key markets with STR Global data for each key market. Our analysis is based on data for a sample of more than 7,500 rooms.

ECOTEL Version 2.0 - Reaching Out

ECOTEL’s metamorphoses into a more inclusive and interactive certification, involving owners, guests, employees and the community. We see the practicality of going green through a case study analyzing Rodas, an ECOTEL, located in Mumbai, INDIA.

Os Efeitos da Copa no Desempenho do Seu Hotel

Nas cidades-sede em que não houver uma explosão de oferta, 2014 deverá ser um ano com quase 10% a mais de ocupação, 30% de aumento de diária e até o dobro de lucro líquido.

CHILE - An Earthquake Shakes the Latin American Soul

The morning of Saturday, February 27, 2010, will be hard to forget. A massive earthquake, magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale, ravaged areas of this small nation.

Adapt, Survive and Overcome

This article describes some of the opportunities that are being taken up in various hotel markets, with the aim of improving hotel trading conditions in the short term and a hotels’ positioning and competitiveness long after the recession is over

Medical Tourism and Hospitality in Latin America: The Lodging Industry’s Latest Nip/Tuck

An overview of the rising phenomenon known as medical tourism and the potential synergy between the lodging and healthcare industries in Latin America.
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