Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS U.S. Lodging Tax Report 2014

In this third annual Lodging Tax Study, HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment explores trends in the imposition of lodging taxes in the USA. This updated version provides lodging tax rates/collections in all 50 US states and across 150 US cities.

HVS 2014 Auto Rental Tax Study

The 2014 Auto Rental Tax Study is an examination of the effective tax rates on motor vehicle rentals at the top 100 largest airports as measured by enplanements. The study ranks the tax rates and breaks down its analysis among several vehicle types.

Fact or Folly: A Review of Convention Center Follies

This article responds to Heywood Sanders’ book Convention Center Follies. It argues for a more moderate picture of the state of supply and demand in the convention industry, and it critiques Sanders’ narrative of convention center development.

HVS U.S. Lodging Tax Study 2013

The 2013 HVS U.S. Lodging Tax Study explores the trends in the imposition of lodging taxes in the United States. This updated version expands the study to provide lodging tax rates/collections in all 50 states and the 150 largest US cities.

What Lodging Taxes tell us about the Great Recession

HVS Convention, Sports and Entertainment analyzed lodging tax revenue across the country to assess the health of the lodging industry. Changes in taxable room revenue show the rate of recovery from the Great Recession.

Thoughts from the Golf Industry Show - Part 3 of 3

This is the third in a 3 part series examining the state of the Golf industry. This article looks to the future of the industry, and the issues that will shape its financial health moving forward.

Repositioning a Destination

What is needed to reposition an entire destination? All around the world destinations reach a mature life cycle and are forced to re-invent themselves due to increased global competition. This case study on Montenegro can provide an insight.


В этом выпуске отчета HVS освещает подъемы и падения рынков России, СНГ и Грузии, а также помогает кредиторам, инвесторам и владельцам расширить представление о данном регионе с точки зрения оценки.

PowerPoint Presentation: New Supply Slows to a Trickle: Analysis of the Convention Center Pipeline

Analyzes historical convention center supply trends and provides a forecast of future of projects. Presented to the International Economic Development Council in June 2010 by Tom Hazinski, HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting.

How Convention Centers Influence Hotel Markets

HVS recommends using regression models to measure the impacts of convention centers on their surrounding hotel markets.
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