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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Market Intelligence Report: Baltimore-Washington International Airport

Increased government activity triggers demand for additional hotel rooms in the Baltimore-Washington International Airport market.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Liberia, Costa Rica

With a bevy of new hotel developments and a promise to expand its international airport, Liberia has set its sights on Costa Rica’s burgeoning tourism.

Canadian Lodging Outlook January 2007

The Hotel Financing Environment in Canada

Does Your Underwriting Adequately Compensate for the Timing of Future Cash Flow?

Investors are pursuing property turnarounds and repositionings to generate higher yields. Are investors and lenders adequately considering the increased risk of earning future cash flows?

Bulls Eye Opportunities in the Current Sensex Run-up

For the last two years, the Sensex has been driven by good monsoons, the metal commodity cycle and foreign investments. Hotel stocks and real estate not only offer an opportunity to ride the Sensex euphoria in India but also to hedge portfolio risk.

CMBS Emerging Market Dominance

The real estate capital markets demonstrate a remarkable ability to change and adapt. Perhaps, the most significant example is the emergence of the Commercial Mortgage Backed Security (CMBS)...

Bridging the Gap on Hotel Financing with Aggressive Lending Parameters

As the national economy continues to rebound from the 2001 economic downturn, the hotel industry also follow this positive trend with impressive annual RevPAR growths, beginning in 2004.

P2P: Are There Any More Public-to-Private Deals Left?

What are the alternatives to P2Ps for investors and owners? Jakob Forstnig and Bernard Forster demonstrate how P2P deals were structured and give an outlook for listed hotel companies in Europe.

Why the Management Team Should Be Important to Hotel Lenders

Lenders that orignate hotel loans without thoroughly investigating the quality of the management company or managment team are overlooking one of the most important components of a hotel investment.

How Do High Intererst Rates Affect Your Motel's Value?

Anyone who has attempted to obtain financing during the last twelve months realizes that the cost of borrowing has reached record heights.
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