Anyone who has attempted to obtain financing during the last twelve months realizes that the cost of borrowing has reached record heights.
Part of your hotel's value is controlled by the Federal Reserve, which can raise or lower the sales price of your hotel investment at their whim.
Steve Rushmore's January 2003 Hotels cloumn.
Hotel Investments: A Guide for Lenders and Owners describes the process of making sound hotel investments.
The author discusses trends in the public support of hospitality projects, which is becomming increasing common as municipalities seek to improve their competitive position in the convention and conference center business.
The Magic, Curse Of Leverage
Steve Rushmore's Septemeber 2004 Hotels article
In this article the author explains how current low interest rates and high demand for hotel assets affect value gains.
Today's lodging market has been hit hard by overbuilding and falling demand. As a result, many lenders are monitoring hotel loans that are not current in their debt service payments.
During 1996, hotel values in some parts of the U.S. increased by as much as 60 percent. To someone unfamiliar with the concept of hotel operating leverage, this enormous rise seems impossible.