In the October 1986 issue of The Apprasial Journal, Anthony Reynolds, MAI, wrote an article for the Notes and Comments section entitled "Attributing Hotel Income to Real Estate and to Personalty." His comment eessentially focused on an article that
With declining occupancies a problem in many areas of the country, along with increasing mortgage interest rates and inflation, it is a good time to review your property taxes and possibly commence a formal appeal to have them reduced.
Projection of future revenues from the room tax collection of five municipalities near Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Room Taxes may be pledged to support debt service on a proposed dedicated tax revenue bond issue. The proceeds from the Bonds will suppor
Factors both internal and external to a hotel property affect its value, and in turn, its property tax burden. In most cases, an experienced hotel appraiser, employing a proven appeal protocol, is needed to determine whether a property is unfairly assessed.
Property Taxes in Canada
In hotel land valuation, an alternate to the sales comparison approach is the ground lease approach, where a ground rent for the land is hypothesized and capitalized into a land value estimate.