What is needed to reposition an entire destination? All around the world destinations reach a mature life cycle and are forced to re-invent themselves due to increased global competition. This case study on Montenegro can provide an insight.
A review of the Branded Residence sector based on the results of the 2010 EHL Strategy Challenge at the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne when 150 students set about forecasting the future of Timeshare, Branded Residences and Fractional Ownership.
What is a Resort? How should the performance of Resorts be benchmarked and does this affect how we manage and value a Resort property? In the first of two articles we explore the Resort business model and where the value drivers lie.
Philip Bacon presents an overview of shared ownership business models to students at EHL in Lausanne, Switzerland
Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the Vacation Ownership Investment Conference held in Orlando, Florida, from October 6th-9th, presented a rather optimistic outlook of the future of the vacation ownership industry.
Cash-Flow Modeling And Market Feasibility
Steve Rushmore's July 2001 Hotels monthly.
As demand in today’s luxury residential real estate market continues to increase, private residence clubs (“PRCs”) are offering fractional real estate owners the best of several worlds...
Steve Rushmore's July 2001 Hotels article.
Tour flow alone typically will not fill a hotel. Business travelers, meeting and convention travelers, and pleasure or leisure travelers are the three primary market segments that comprise the total of lodging demand.