Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Repositioning a Destination

What is needed to reposition an entire destination? All around the world destinations reach a mature life cycle and are forced to re-invent themselves due to increased global competition. This case study on Montenegro can provide an insight.

Tiered Pricing And Yield – Key Drivers Of Extended Stay Success

Extended-stay hotels began evolving in the 1970s to serve business travelers, vacationers and families seeking a home-like atmosphere. They differ from traditional hotels in terms of room types, amenities and particularly, pricing.

The Greater China Update 4Q11

Discussed in this update: • Tourism trends for Hong Kong, Macau, PR China and Taiwan • Individual Hotel Market Performances Article: Basel III – The Long Road of Deleveraging

Russia, the CIS and Georgia Hotel Valuation Index 2011

HVS provides a guide though the peaks and troughs of the various hotel markets in Russia, the CIS and Georgia, giving lenders, investors and owners a clearer view of the region from a valuation perspective.


В этом выпуске отчета HVS освещает подъемы и падения рынков России, СНГ и Грузии, а также помогает кредиторам, инвесторам и владельцам расширить представление о данном регионе с точки зрения оценки.

Hotel Management Fees Miss the Mark

Prevalent incentive management fee structures partly align the interests of hotel managers with those of owners. They also arbitrarily reward managers primarily on market performance, rather than management effectiveness. A new approach is discussed.

Boutique Segment – The Challenge of Standing Out from the Crowd

As the boutique hotel sector continues to grow, operators must work harder to create a point of difference for their properties as well as to maintain a sense of exclusivity and aspiration, as we investigate this further in the following article.

Hotel Market Review: Port Townsend, Washington

Bed-and-breakfasts and small inns dominate the lodging landscape at Port Townsend. Lodging demand has remained stable since 2004. Infrastructure improvements and marketing efforts will support growth, while additions to hotel supply will temper it.

Qatar - The Race for 2022

A brief overview of the hotel market in Doha, Qatar. We address key factors that impact the demand for transient accommodation, expected changes in supply, and specific challenges related to Qatar’s successful bid to host the 2022 World Cup.

Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 4º trimestre de 2010

A boa fase da economia nacional continua a estimular o crescimento da demanda e da receita em todos os mercados acompanhados. Esta última, porém, sofreu desaceleração no período analisado, em virtude do crescimento reduzido da ocupação.
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