Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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A Key Component to Asset Management - The Sales & Marketing Assessment

As part of the overall asset management strategy for a hotel asset, owners should certainly ask, “How can our sales and marketing efforts be more focused? Made more efficient and effective?”

A Importância do Asset Manager no Mercado Hoteleiro

Em momentos de crise ou de estabilidade econômica, a Hotel Asset Manager é uma eficaz estratégia para aumentar o potencial de receita e otimizar a estrutura de custos de hotéis. Conheça a metodologia de gestão de ativos hoteleiros e seus resultados.

Layer or Top-Up - why European Hotel Investors should include Revenue Management in their Investment

The author considers that a strengthened understanding by hotel investors of revenue management principles will permit investors to make better investment decisions.

Surviving In Turbulent Times Through Outsourcing

Enhancements in technology and telecommunications have transformed the global hospitality landscape. In this article we evaluate how these transformations are acting as able catalysts in a world where geography is rapidly becoming history.

El Turismo impulsa el Crecimiento

HVS Buenos Aires interviene en varios proyectos en Chile y Perú; emprendimientos que dan fe del incremento de las inversiones en Latinoamérica y las oportunidades para la industria hotelera y turística.

Global Hospitality Outsourcing - Winning in a Flat World!

The global hospitality playing field has been leveled. Transformation within the industry has created a new set of competitive pressures that were relatively isolated and continues to push hotel companies to explore more efficient business models.

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

Mid-term elections prompted me to reflect back on how my interest in being active in the political process evolved. Some define "active in the political process" as voting in elections while others define it as being a politician or a lobbyist.

How to Develop & Execute a Public-Sector Process to Select a Private-Sector Hotel Development Partne

Most successful public/private-sector hotel development projects are the end result of an evaluation and selection process. This article details the steps and criteria used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of various proposals.

Does Your Underwriting Adequately Compensate for the Timing of Future Cash Flow?

Investors are pursuing property turnarounds and repositionings to generate higher yields. Are investors and lenders adequately considering the increased risk of earning future cash flows?

Hotel F&B - To Lease or Not to Lease?

The primary role of the F&B department is to enhance the overall profits of a hotel. Many claim hotels with F&B should maximize the department’s profit or lease income. Instead, maybe the departmental profit motive should be secondary.
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