Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
54 results

Os Efeitos da Copa no Desempenho do Seu Hotel

Nas cidades-sede em que não houver uma explosão de oferta, 2014 deverá ser um ano com quase 10% a mais de ocupação, 30% de aumento de diária e até o dobro de lucro líquido.

How Convention Centers Influence Hotel Markets

HVS recommends using regression models to measure the impacts of convention centers on their surrounding hotel markets.

Hotel Demand Segmentation 101: Identifying Demand Segments and Understanding How They Relate to Property Performance

From economy to luxury hotels, existing and proposed, knowing the sources, habits, and prevalence of future patrons is crucial to success.

Barcelona, Spain - Market Snapshot

This is the second in a series of articles that HVS with STR Global data for each city. Our analysis is based on a sample of over 15,000 available daily rooms provided by STR Global.

A Key Component to Asset Management - The Sales & Marketing Assessment

As part of the overall asset management strategy for a hotel asset, owners should certainly ask, “How can our sales and marketing efforts be more focused? Made more efficient and effective?”

Spiritual Lodging - the Sharia-Compliant Hotel Concept

This article attempts to clearly define the requirements a hotel must meet to be Sharia-compliant, and the differences between this concept and that of ‘dry’ hotels.

Mexico's Growing Trend: Master-Planned Resort-Residential Communities

Mexico’s tourism industry has been at the forefront of international lodging trends, and the country is once again reinventing its coastlines and interior colonial towns with the proliferation of master-planned resort-residential communities.

Gone to the Dogs...Pet-friendly Accommodations: Revenue Producer or Marketing Farce?

A hotel’s pet-friendly policies can bring both trials and rewards.

Marketing a Hotel Online In a Struggling Economy

In a tough economy, when your marketing budget shrinks, you need to be careful about how you invest your money. The return on investment (ROI) for online marketing spending is faster than almost any other form of hotel marketing.

What Part of No Don’t You Understand? How to Track and Assess Lost Group Business

Group sales managers in hotels, convention and conference center, and CVB’s need to understand the reasons for lost business. This article presents a comprehensive approach to lost business analysis that helps increase group sales.