Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
54 results

Layer or Top-Up - why European Hotel Investors should include Revenue Management in their Investment

The author considers that a strengthened understanding by hotel investors of revenue management principles will permit investors to make better investment decisions.

Guadalajara — Preparing for the Future

The popularity of Guadalajara has surged in recent years, attracting new businesses, residents, and developments that are positioning the city as a world-class business and travel destination.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Charlotte, North Carolina

At a time of nationwide fiscal drought and a slump in development, the “Queen City” maintains a regal guise.

Canadian Lodging Outlook October 2007

The Virtual Meeting Ground

The Virtual Meeting Ground

Why telepresence is a nascent revenue opportunity for upscale and luxury hotels.

Search Engine Marketing - Paid Advertising

In the never-ending race to online supremacy, if you wish to outbid some of your competitors in obtaining higher keyword positions, you should have a good look at Pay per Click (PPC) ad campaigns.

Canadian Lodging Outlook September 2006

Linking Innovation and Competitive Advantage in the Hotel Industry

The Power Of The Per-diem Rate

Several markets in the United States rely heavily on government demand. Changes in the way allowances for government travelers are established can turn markets, for better or worse.

Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing

A compilation of theoretical and practical statements around revenue management and dynamic pricing models, as used in presentations around Australia by Rutger Smits and Ron de Wit. Great tools for in-house training and motivation!

Publish and Prosper

For many years, academicians have been pressured by their institutions to publish or perish.