Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
135 results

HVS Monday Musings: Vacation Home Rentals – the Next Big Story in the Making in India

This article discusses some of the factors that have driven the growth of the vacation home rentals segment in India.

HVS Monday Musings: Will EV Charging Stations be the New Service Offering at Hotels in India?

This article discusses some of the benefits of installing electric vehicle charging stations at hotels in India.

HVS Monday Musings: Adventure Tourism in India

Adventure tourism is still evolving in India and has considerable growth potential. This article discusses some of the factors that can help in the growth of this niche segment in the country.

HVS Monday Musings: Reviving the Global Travel & Tourism Sector

Countries across the globe are now planning to reopen inbound tourism. This article highlights some of the measures that governments are taking to attract foreign tourists to their respective countries.

HVS Monday Musings: Medical Tourism in India

COVID-19 is an inflection point for medical tourism in India. Initiatives taken by the government in the last one year, coupled with the country's reputation of being one of the most affordable medical tourism destinations globally, will go a long way in making India a global medical tourism hub going forward.

HVS Monday Musings: The Rise of the Upscale Hotels Segment in India

With changing demand dynamics, hoteliers are once again focusing on the upscale segment, especially while increasing their footprint in the leisure segment. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Homestays in India are Gaining Popularity in the Post-COVID Era

Homestays are not a new concept in India but their popularity has increased significantly in the last one year.

HVS Monday Musings: Indian Hotels Sector – Brand Signings in 2020

This article discusses the key trends in hotel brand signings witnessed in the Indian hotels sector in 2020.

HVS Monday Musings: India’s Underserved Leisure Tourism Segment is Leading the Post-COVID Revival

Domestic leisure tourism in India is finally receiving the pedestal it always deserved, with hotel companies renewing their focus on increasing footprint at leisure destinations in the country in the post-COVID era. However, there is significant untapped potential in this segment as India has several fledgling tourist places where travelers still struggle to find good quality branded accommodation.

HVS Internship Study: Effectiveness of Internship in the Indian Hospitality Sector

Internship is a crucial first step into the Indian hospitality sector for most hospitality students in the country. The HVS internship study explores the perspectives of the different stakeholders - students, industry and academia - to understand the challenges faced by them during internship programs. Additionally, it also identifies the best practices and offers recommendations that can help make the internship program more successful going forward. Read our latest report to know more.