Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Hotelería en Argentina - Fuerte expansión del rubro en todo el país

HVS Buenos Aires participa activamente del desarrollo de emprendimientos hoteleros y turísticos en la Argentina, acompañando el crecimiento de un sector en pleno auge.

Hotel Management Contracts In Europe

This article reviews the main terms of a typical European hotel management contract. Note that the terms and definitions provided below are broad indications and that any of these terms can vary depending on various factors.

El Turismo impulsa el Crecimiento

HVS Buenos Aires interviene en varios proyectos en Chile y Perú; emprendimientos que dan fe del incremento de las inversiones en Latinoamérica y las oportunidades para la industria hotelera y turística.

Canadian Lodging Outlook April 2007

Year-To-Date April Is Not Bad...

Global Hospitality Outsourcing - Winning in a Flat World!

The global hospitality playing field has been leveled. Transformation within the industry has created a new set of competitive pressures that were relatively isolated and continues to push hotel companies to explore more efficient business models.

2007 NYU Conference Presentation

Steve Rushmore's annual presentation on Hotel Valuation and Transaction Trends for the U.S. Lodging Industry

Morocco Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in Morocco together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.

2007 Manhattan Hotel Market Overview

HVS International and New York University's Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management, recently completed the 2007 Manhattan Hotel Market Overview.

What Is An Event?

Rebuilding the Tower of Babel

Bahrain Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in Manama together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.
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