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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Qualified Management Contracts: Public-Sector/Private-Sector Partnering to Achieve Common Objectives

Recently public and private sectors have partnered in development of convention hotel properties; publicly owned and privately managed. This article highlights unique features of qualified management agreements and compares them to typical contracts.

Canadian Lodging Outlook November 2005

2005 Canadian Hotel Transaction Survey

Low Cap Rates Drive Gains in Hotel Values

Reduced interest rates and lower equity yield requirements have had a substantial positive impact on hotel values. Additional value gains are now being fueled by more aggressive deal underwriting, as discussed in this article.

Branding with History: Historic Hotels Find Ways to Build a Competitive Advantage

Owners and operators of historic hotels have become more creative in their efforts to develop and maintain long-lasting competitive advantages for their properties. Recent operating data shows above-market performance for historic hotels in the U.S.

Why the "Rushmore Approach" is a Better Method for Valuing the Real Property Component of a Hotel

Hotel real estate tax theories and methodologies have long been a subject of controversy in separating the business value from the real estate. In a recent article published by the Journal of Property Tax Assessment and Administration...

Spanish Hotel Market Review and Assessment - Madrid

The article assesses the performance of the hotel industry in Madrid, the main commercial market in Spain.

Perth, Australia - Market Overview

Perth is the Capital of Western Australia (WA), arguably the largest state in the world, covering one-third of the Australian continent and spanning 2.5 million square kilometres. It is also one of the world’s most remote tourist markets.

In Defense of the "Rushmore Approach" for Valuing the Real Estate Property Component of a Hotel

A hotel is a unique form of real estate consisting of four components: land, improvements, personal property, and the going business. Does it sound reasonable that the land and improvements account for only 36% of the overall total value?

What is the Future for the Polish Hotel Industry?

What are the current hotel trends in Poland? What is holding back the development of Poland's Hotel industry? This article answer these questions and helps shed light on Poland's hotel industry as a whole.
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