Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
1679 results
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Allure of Hotel Investment Expected to Moderate Rise in Capitalization Rates as Rebound Takes Hold

When investors and lenders call and ask “what are hotel cap rates today?” the first question is, “what net income are you using in your equation?”

Balancing Financial and Non-Financial Objectives in Public-Sector/Private-Sector Hotel Relationships

Public-/private-sector partnerships, while sometimes challenging, can certainly result in a win-win situation when financial and non-financial goals and objectives are clearly defined and effectively aligned.

The Status of the Gaming Industry: a Recap of 2004

Retrospectively, 2004 was a banner year for the gaming industry, highlighted by revenue spikes, major consolidation, and significant expansion (both domestically and internationally).

Extracting Value From Hotels in Hawaii Through Conversion

In this article, the authors discuss why the current trend of converting the use of transient lodging facilities in Hawaii to alternative uses is so appealing to developers.

The Los Angeles/Orange County Lodging Markets Are Back!

The Southern California lodging market, consisting of hotel products in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, expects a banner year for 2004.

Anatomy of a Hotel Investment Fund

An inside look at one of the nation’s top hotel acquisition funds. Find out what they are looking for and what are they buying.

Staying A Step Ahead of Your Guests

Staying ahead of guests in technology is as important as providing ultra comfortable bedding these days. This article explores how to impress your guests without spending a fortune.

Canadian Lodging Outlook October 2004

HVS Canada Holiday Water Cooler...

Market Overview - Hunter Valley Wine Country, Australia

The Hunter Valley region is located 90 minutes’ drive from Sydney and known as the oldest vineyard region of Australia. Through the development of several new hotel projects the region is on the verge of a major change in image and public perception
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