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Florida Newsletter - First Quarter 2012 Miami Continues to Appeal to Hotel Investors

Year-end 2011 RevPAR in Miami-Dade County surpassed the 2007 level, or what is generally regarded as the peak of the market. The Miami Beach, Downtown/Brickell, and the Airport markets performed strongly and are poised to have another great year.

Mustering Military Demand in Southeastern Hotel Markets

Military installations—some expanded, others diminished—in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina are impacting hotel demand and average rates.

Comparing Same Hotel Across Five Regions

Steve Rushmore's October 2011 column in Lodging Hospitality magazine.

Lessons from the 2011 U.S. Hotel Appraisals Hospitality Conference

Hotel loans, transactions, and performance were on every hotelier’s mind at this year’s conference in Atlanta. Hospitality experts from all walks of life were on hand with answers and advice on how to move ahead.

South American Market Overview 2011

The recent performance of South America in terms of economic growth and political and institutional stability has attracted interest among investors in the region offering significant opportunities for potential investors.

The Real Estate and Hotel Industries in South America and the US Dollar at Risk of Losing its Position as Reference Currency

How could this affect countries like Argentina and Uruguay, where the American dollar has historically been the only reference currency? Is it time to think of other options like those used in Brazil or Chile?

El mercado inmobiliario y el negocio de hoteles en Sudamérica ante la posible desaparición del dólar como moneda de referencia

¿Cuál podría ser el impacto en países como Argentina y Uruguay donde históricamente el dólar es referente exclusivo? ¿Habrá llegado la hora de pensar en alternativas como las que son habituales en Brasil o Chile?

Market Intelligence Report: Nashville, Tennessee

New demand-generating developments and attractive investment parameters are putting the Nashville hotel market on track for an impressive recovery.

HVS Hotel Market Snapshot: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Colorado Springs’ hotel industry has been in business for more than a century, with a wide spectrum of entities driving demand. The market wasn’t hard hit by the recent recession, and major events this summer should bode well for local hotels.

2010 South America Hotel Market Overview

2010 South America Hotel Market Overview offers a detailed Economic and Tourism analysis focusing on four key markets – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima and Bogota, setting future trends and opportunities.
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