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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Reviews Sascha Reichstein’s Book Be my Guest

This review of Sascha Reichstein’s Be my Guest, examines Hilton’s dual role as an international American symbol and a local institution. Reichstein’s book uses photographic images and employee interviews to contrast two international Hilton hotels.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Awards for quality of life and career development have graced the Twin Cities in recent years, and a growing number of global corporations have established operations in the area. How do hotels stand to benefit from Minneapolis’ economic resurgence?

Hotel Market Snapshot Prague, Czech Republic

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles that HVS produces on key hotel sectors across Europe. Our analysis is based on data for a sample of 74 mainly branded properties in Prague as provided by STR Global.

HVS Executive Search Announces Promotions and Appoints Chris Anklin and Scott Chiesa to the Company’s Partnership Track Program

The HVS Executive Search Hong Kong office announced promotions for Chris Anklin, Scott Chiesa and Debbie Ma.

The Greater China Update - 1Q 2012

Despite turbulence in the global economy, 2011 was a triumphant year for the region, with markets setting new records. In this update: tourism trends, hotel market performance and the China Outbound Market.

Gothenburg Hotel Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles that HVS produces on key hotel sectors. In writing these articles we combine the expertise of HVS with STR Global data. Our analysis is based on data for a sample of 28 properties in Gothenburg.

Comparing Same Hotel Across Five Regions

Steve Rushmore's October 2011 column in Lodging Hospitality magazine.

Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook, August 2011

The global recession has transformed the landscape of the Canadian hospitality industry, and it has had a drastic impact on the development of new hotels in the country.

How to Test Hotel Feasibility

Steve Rushmore's August 2011 column in Lodging Hospitality magazine.

Industry Recovery Ahead of Pace

Steve Rushmore's July 2011 column in Lodging Hospitality magazine.
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