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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
327 results
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Edinburgh Market Snapshot

Edinburgh is the second most visited city in the UK and its hotel market demonstrated strong resilience in the past 18 months. We explore hotel supply and demand, seasonality, recent transactions, the hotel pipeline and average values per room.

Market Intelligence Report: Nashville, Tennessee

New demand-generating developments and attractive investment parameters are putting the Nashville hotel market on track for an impressive recovery.

Global Hospitality Report

Global Hospitality Report

Hotel Valuation Techniques

Hotel appraising is done in different markets across the world and valuation experts generally consider three approaches to valuing a hotel asset. What are the pros and cons of each approach and which is more applicable when valuing your property?

Branded Residences – Towards the Three Way Win

A review of the Branded Residence sector based on the results of the 2010 EHL Strategy Challenge at the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne when 150 students set about forecasting the future of Timeshare, Branded Residences and Fractional Ownership.

Stockholm, Sweden - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles produced every month on key hotel markets aiming to combine the market expertise of HVS with STR Global data. Our analysis is based on data for a sample of 100 mainly branded properties.

Istanbul, Turkey - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles that HVS is producing every month on a series of key market with STR Global data. Our analysis for this market is based on data for a sample of 37 mainly branded properties.

Social Media And The Entire Buzz...

With close to a 100 million users on Facebook & search giant Google trying to step-up into the Social Media world, is it time that businesses shift focus away from traditional tried-and-tested forms of internet marketing & get more 'Social’?

Hotel Development Bottlenecks in Russia

As investors are looking to get into Russian hotel markets, they will no doubt be cautious. Hotel development can be quite a complex process. What are the main bottlenecks potential investors could face when developing hotels in Russia?

Internet Remains The Only Growth Channel For Hotels in Recent Years

Considering recent trends, the online channel has been the most dynamic and fast-growing segment of the overall CRS bookings for hotels. Hoteliers can take advantage of this by formulating a well aligned Online Marketing Strategy.
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