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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Segmenting Millennial Travelers Business vs. Leisure

How do you gain the loyalty of millennials? This article analyzes the top two opportunities by segmenting the next generation of travel: millennial business travelers vs. millennial leisure travelers.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Nashville

Transactions, performance, and demand are up for Nashville’s lodging industry, and new supply is set to come online over the next year. Are the city’s hotel demand generators prepared to keep up the pace?

Market Intelligence Report 2013: Baltimore

Business, education, government, and expanding tourism and healthcare industries form the foundation of Baltimore’s economy. What should hoteliers have an eye on?

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Colorado Springs

Institutions ranging from Olympic centers to major military bases underpin the economy of Colorado Springs. Tourism brings additional demand to area hotels, which have noted improvements in transactions and performance over the past year.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Charleston

Tourism remains a cornerstone for Charleston, with Condé Nast readers ranking the city the top destination in the U.S. and the world. Other developments across the range of Charleston’s economy are also driving hotel demand and average rates.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Charlotte

Average rates in Charlotte have shot up since 2011 and are climbing higher in 2013, piquing interest among hoteliers, developers, and lenders. How have increased employment and demand generation further affected prospects for the city’s hotels?

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Colorado Mountains

Colorado’s ski resorts draw millions of annual visitors. The lodging industry throughout the Colorado mountains comprises hotels and privately rented rooms and condos. How could a shift in this balance affect hotel performance in the years ahead?

Market Intelligence Report 2013 San Antonio

San Antonio’s array of industries, including tourism, manufacturing, technology, and defense, provide strong demand to local hotels. Given the city’s low unemployment and growing economy, hotel occupancies and average rates should continue to rise.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Philadelphia

Unemployment in Philadelphia remains high, though the city’s broad economic base continues to slowly recover. RevPAR levels for Philadelphia hotels are expected to strengthen in the near term, with demand outpacing recent supply additions.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Minneapolis

Fortune 500 companies, universities, and a thriving arts and culture scene drive commercial, meeting and group, and leisure demand to Minneapolis hotels, which have experienced a solid recovery over the past two years.
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