Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
327 results

Barcelona, Spain - Market Snapshot

This is the second in a series of articles that HVS with STR Global data for each city. Our analysis is based on a sample of over 15,000 available daily rooms provided by STR Global.

The Recession's Effects on Seattle's Hotel Industry

The Emerald City, in recent years thought to be recession-proof, has lost a bit of luster in the national economic downturn.

Paris, France - Upscale and Luxury Market Snapshot

This is the first in a series of market snapshots that HVS will be producing every month for a series of key markets. The first to be selected is the Paris upscale and luxury market, which is based on a customised sample provided by STR Global.

St. Louis Hotels: Riding out the Economic Storm

St. Louis’ job losses in manufacturing have been mitigated by stable financial, government, education, and healthcare sectors. How has the recession impacted area hotels, and what will it mean for the future of this market?

Changing Times Require Changing Hotel Business Models

The performance of the hotel industry can be either enhanced or limited by the way in which hotel business is conceptualised. This article illustrates how economic trends present opportunities to redefine hotel business models and create value.

How New Hotels Can Transform Emerging Markets

HVS has applied a methodology for gauging the transformation of emerging lodging markets into self-contained markets in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.

Kuwait Market Snapshot

An overview of the Kuwait hotel market

Bahrain Market Snapshot

An overview of the Bahrain hotel market

Market Intelligence Report: Las Colinas, Texas

The Las Colinas lodging market is becoming more and more enmeshed in the Dallas/Fort Worth area’s web of activity. This growth has the potential to influence hotel trends in the recession and beyond.

The Hospitality Industry Drives Mixed-Use Development in the Emerging Markets of Central America

This article explains trends in hotel development models and patterns throughout Central America, as well as identifies the countries within the region offering the greatest potential for hotel development.