Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
25 results

Caught in the Crossfire – the Impact of the Recent Uprisings in the Arab World on Regional Hotel Values

This article highlights the impact that the pro-democracy uprisings in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have had on the region’s hotels, including dramatic changes in values.

Middle East Hotel Survey 2010 - Reshuffling the Deck

HVS’s Middle East Hotel Survey for 2010 covers 259 hotels totaling 68,888 rooms. This year, we have included for the first time some additional submarkets, notably in the UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Kuwait Market Snapshot

An overview of the Kuwait hotel market

Bahrain Market Snapshot

An overview of the Bahrain hotel market

Bahrain Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in Manama together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.