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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Detroit Market Intelligence Report

Unemployment is high, automakers are still in the red, and the city’s hotel industry hangs in the balance. But there’s more happening in Detroit than the statistics reveal.

Mexico’s Luxury Lodging Segment - Opportunity for Growth

The luxury hotel market in Mexico has been somewhat overshadowed by other market segments. Here we shed light on its potential.

Canadian Lodging Outlook July 2008

Year-To-Date RevPAR Performance

RevPAR Penetration at Airport Terminal Hotels

130% RevPar penetration… very attainable with Airport Terminal Hotels! Why? Barriers to entry, limited number of airports, and convenience, all contribute to the uniqueness of the success of Airport Terminal Hotels.

Investment in Mexico

Foreign investment in Mexican real estate is on the rise, and many favorable factors conspire to keep this trend moving forward.

What Is An Event?

Rebuilding the Tower of Babel

Canadian Lodging Outlook January 2007

The Hotel Financing Environment in Canada

Private Residence Clubs - Exclusivity Within The Leisure Market

As demand in today’s luxury residential real estate market continues to increase, private residence clubs (“PRCs”) are offering fractional real estate owners the best of several worlds...

Canadian Lodging Outlook October 2004

HVS Canada Holiday Water Cooler...
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