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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
30 results

Five Key Takeaways | 2015 CREJ Hotel & Resort Summit

Denver’s hotel industry is leading the nation in development trends and overall performance. Experts at the annual lodging conference, Colorado’s biggest, also shared insights on ski resort markets in the state.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 Colorado Springs

Institutions ranging from Olympic centers to major military bases underpin the economy of Colorado Springs. Tourism brings additional demand to area hotels, which have noted improvements in transactions and performance over the past year.

Denver Market Intelligence Report 2013

Metro Denver’s economy is set to outperform the nation’s this year, and conventions in the city are on the rise. Hotel RevPAR in 2012 surpassed Denver’s pre-recession high, and healthy demand levels are pushing the pace of hotel transactions.

HVS Hotel Market Update: Colorado Springs Hotels in the Wake of the Waldo Canyon Fire

Wildfires ravaged lives and infrastructure on the northwest of Colorado Springs, setting off a scramble for hotel rooms. As the city rebuilds, major projects—including multimillion-dollar hotel renovations—aim to put the local economy back on track.

The 2012 HVS Regional Hotel Summit Series: A Review

Nearly 500 hotel owners, lenders, brokers, and developers joined with other hotel experts from HVS and major brands to discuss current and future trends in the U.S. hotel industry.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Houston Hotels in 2012

Energy prices, strong for the past several years and rising in 2012, have driven impressive growth in jobs, commercial space, and other developments in Houston. This growth and major planned projects continue to pump hotel demand into the city.

Trends and Transactions for Top-Tier Denver Hotels

The performance of upscale and luxury hotels in Downtown Denver made a strong rebound in 2010, buoying investor confidence in the market. This trend continues in 2011, with a rise in RevPAR and transactions for the city’s top-tier hotels.

«Зеленый» отель в России - оксиморон или необратимое будущее? (Часть 2)

Как снизить воздействие гостиницы на окружающую среду? Какие преимущества у «зеленой» гостиницы, чем хорош такой объект для владельцев и менеджмента? На эти вопросы мы постараемся ответить во второй части нашей статьи об Eco Hotels в России.

Conquering the Credit Crunch: Part I

Unemployment rates are surging, global stock markets are crashing, commodities are collapsing, and the real estate bubble has finally burst. What moves can hotel developers make during the downturn?