Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
142 results
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Tourism in South America is here to stay

The hotel industry keeps pace with the growth of the economy at a global level, and for Latin American countries opportunities for development are many

The Virtual Meeting Ground

Why telepresence is a nascent revenue opportunity for upscale and luxury hotels.

What Is An Event?

Rebuilding the Tower of Babel

Golf and Country Clubs: Setting Higher Goals for Profitability in Food & Beverage

There are many opportunities for golf clubs to operate the food and beverage facilities in a more efficient way that will save resources, deliver better product & services, keep customers happy and ultimately deliver more to the bottom.

Hotel F&B - To Lease or Not to Lease?

The primary role of the F&B department is to enhance the overall profits of a hotel. Many claim hotels with F&B should maximize the department’s profit or lease income. Instead, maybe the departmental profit motive should be secondary.

A Ghostly Gold Christmas

What is it that we can learn from Ghosts, Gold, and Christmas that can help make you a leader in your company and community? By using "The Gold Standards" of Leadership, we can see how decision-making abilities can help achieve peak performance.

Asset Management Scope and Compensation: A Wide Spectrum

Asset managers provide a wide range of management oversight, analysis, and support to hotel owners. The specific scope of services is tailored to each owner. Compensation is usually a flat fee or a fee that is a percentage of gross revenues.

Parking Asset Management

More Than Spare Change in the Parking Couch... The First Edition of a Three Part Series on Parking Asset Management Success

Economy Lodging: Always In Transition

Since its inception, the economy segment has undergone a continual process of transition. Although most owners, operators and lenders take a “stick to the basics” approach, a problem arises when one attempts to define just what “the basics” are.

Balancing Financial and Non-Financial Objectives in Public-Sector/Private-Sector Hotel Relationships

Public-/private-sector partnerships, while sometimes challenging, can certainly result in a win-win situation when financial and non-financial goals and objectives are clearly defined and effectively aligned.
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