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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
19 results

Key Takeaways | 4th Annual HVS Hotel Market Connections

The North American hotel industry is still firing on all cylinders, with year-to-date occupancies at an all-time high. While some markets face challenges from new supply, prospects appear healthy in the near term.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 New Orleans

Activity in medicine, technology, conventions, and tourism brought near-record visitation to New Orleans over the past year. Major developments, ranging from infrastructure to new business and cultural districts, continue to drive hotel demand.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Houston Hotels in 2012

Energy prices, strong for the past several years and rising in 2012, have driven impressive growth in jobs, commercial space, and other developments in Houston. This growth and major planned projects continue to pump hotel demand into the city.

HVS Hotel Market Intelligence Report: New Orleans

The hotel industry in New Orleans has struggled to regain its footing in the years since Hurricane Katrina, but new data suggest a recovery is underway.

Hotel Demand Outlook after a (Natural) Disaster

Japan recently registered one of the most devastating earthquakes in recent history, followed by a tsunami and a severe emergency situation at a nuclear power plant. What are the implications for the Japanese Hotel and Tourism Industry?

Conquering the Credit Crunch: Part I

Unemployment rates are surging, global stock markets are crashing, commodities are collapsing, and the real estate bubble has finally burst. What moves can hotel developers make during the downturn?