Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
4 results

Hotel Valuation Index : Zimbabwe - Harare

The HVI is the authoritative guide to U.S. hotel values, giving hotel stakeholders an educated edge in buying, selling, and holding opportunities. This online tool provides historical and projected values and RevPAR for the Zimbabwe - Harare market.

Namibia - Where Sand Dunes Embrace the Atlantic

This article underscores Namibia's potential as a premier tourism destination, driven by its natural beauty, strategic initiatives, and increasing tourism contributions to the economy.

Africa Traveler & Hotel Guest Sentiment Survey Findings

This video summarizes the results of the HVS Africa Traveler & Hotel Guest Sentiment Survey Findings.

Africa Traveler & Hotel Guest Sentiment Survey

Africa Traveler and Hotel Guest Sentiment survey is by no means exhaustive, it does however prove there to be demand to start traveling again and to kick start the industry. The survey findings also show some changes are expected, we therefore urge all parties, government, airlines, hotel owners, operators and lenders to consider their businesses in light of these findings and to undertake further research to establish how we can all start the recovery process.