Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
358 results
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Hotel Investment Risk: What Are The Chances?

The article illustrates the fundamental risk components inherent in a hotel investment and compares the risk profiles of the various asset classes in the industry.

Incentives of Historic Proportion

This article provides an introduction to the Federal Historic Preservation tax credit programs administered by the U.S. Government and the applicability of these programs to select hotel redevelopment projects.

The Value of an Owner's Representative

Discussing Project Management in the hospitality sector.

Trends In Hotel Management Contracts

An understanding of the key provisions in hotel management contracts and the issues that influence the negotiation of these contracts is essential to an effective evaluation of any hotel project.

ALIS Conference Journal 2006

The 2006 ALIS Conference was a huge success - HVS maintains a significant presence and has included here the articles submitted for this important event.
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