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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS U.S. Lodging Tax Report

This study examines the current status and historical trends of lodging taxes and policy trends in the US and analyzes lodging tax rates and revenues across a broad range of US cities. It includes lodging tax rates/collections on 150 US cities and all 50 US states.

HVS ANAROCK Hotels & Hospitality Overview, September 2023

This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.

Albany's Hotel Industry: A Bright Outlook

Albany's hotel industry continues to rebound from the pandemic. This article reviews the performance and recent trends of two distinct Albany submarkets and the market’s extended-stay hotel segment. Through this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of Albany’s performance coming out of the pandemic.

HVS Monday Musings: Catalysts for Growth – Tech Hubs are Powering the Indian Hotel Industry’s Growth

Tech hubs have globally been a catalyst for the hospitality sector’s expansion. Bengaluru and Hyderabad are prime examples of this trend in India, witnessing unprecedented growth in hotel supply in sync with their booming IT sectors. Read on to know more.

Navigating the Investment Terrain: Trends in GCC Hotel Development Costs

Our team of experts has gathered invaluable insights, best practices, and case studies from the forefront of hotel development which forms the basis of our cost indication. Collectively, Hala Matar Choufany and Filippo Sona have advised on more than 10,000 hotel projects in the region, bringing tremendous experience, and unparalleled insights into hotel development costs and recent trends in the industry.

HVS Conference Takeaways: The Lodging Conference 2023

This article shares our main takeaways from the highly attended 2023 Lodging Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. It was an incredible gathering for our industry, with great ideas and insights shared, deals done, and friendships strengthened. We look forward to next year’s event!

Bringing New Energy to The Meadowlands in Northern New Jersey

The Meadowlands development in northern New Jersey features the Meadowlands Sports Complex, with the MetLife Stadium as a centerpiece, and hosts numerous major companies. This development is anticipated to strengthen its presence going forward with the addition of a convention center.

Phoenix, AZ: A Decade of Investor Confidence Pays Off

Phoenix has exploded in growth over the last decade, developing a diverse and welcoming economy that has allowed the city and surrounding communities to outperform other top-25 markets.

HVS Outlook Fall 2023: Discovering a New Normal

A strong RevPAR rebound in the first quarter of 2023 was stalled by increasing costs of capital, inflationary pressures, outflow of domestic demand with limited international infill, and economic concerns. How can hoteliers expect 2023 to end and the next few years to trend? This article presents our latest forecast and insights.

Richmond, Virginia’s RevPAR Rebound and Diverse Lodging Demand

In the past three years, the city of Richmond has seen significant growth in RevPAR, outpacing the regional area and the state of Virginia in the post-pandemic recovery period. This article provides an overview of Richmond’s hotel performance and demand sources.
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