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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Market Intelligence Report: Las Colinas, Texas

The Las Colinas lodging market is becoming more and more enmeshed in the Dallas/Fort Worth area’s web of activity. This growth has the potential to influence hotel trends in the recession and beyond.

Spiritual Lodging - the Sharia-Compliant Hotel Concept

This article attempts to clearly define the requirements a hotel must meet to be Sharia-compliant, and the differences between this concept and that of ‘dry’ hotels.

Manhattan - Top of the Heap

Manhattan’s Luxury and First-Class Hotel Market: Ten-year Review

Beirut, Lebanon - Against All Odds

In this article HVS seeks to shed light on hotel developments, investment in tourism and the economic situation in Lebanon.

Zürich Market Snapshot

A look at the hotel market in Zürich including a breakdown of hotel and room supply by category, historical hotel performance trends and the average hotel value per room.

Mexico’s Luxury Lodging Segment - Opportunity for Growth

The luxury hotel market in Mexico has been somewhat overshadowed by other market segments. Here we shed light on its potential.

Empty Beds in Luxury Accommodation

HVS is included in an article published by the Berliner Zeitung regarding the luxury hotel situation in the German capital and how it is being affected by the current financial crisis.

«Зеленый» отель в России - оксиморон или необратимое будущее? (Часть 2)

Как снизить воздействие гостиницы на окружающую среду? Какие преимущества у «зеленой» гостиницы, чем хорош такой объект для владельцев и менеджмента? На эти вопросы мы постараемся ответить во второй части нашей статьи об Eco Hotels в России.

Muscat Market Snapshot

This article gives an overview of the Muscat hotel market, an emerging market with numerous investment opportunities.
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