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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Robert-Gaymer Jones Speaks on Whether the Glass Ceiling Really Exists for Women in the Hospitality Industry

Is the concept of a “glass ceiling” really applicable in today’s world, and in particular, the hospitality industry? HVS Executive Search explores this subject with Robert-Gaymer Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Sofitel Luxury Hotels.

Canadian Lodging Outlook December 2012

2012 Canadian Hotel Transaction Survey

Taiwan Market Outlook Hotel Market Poised for Growth

Limited high-end hotel supply in Taiwan coupled with a positive tourist arrivals outlook provide opportunities for Taiwan’s hotel market to bloom.

Hotel Capitalization Rates Stabilize as Market Forces Create State of Equilibrium

Hotel capitalization rates are stabilizing due to the counter balancing forces of a healthy transaction market, a shortage of product for sale, the low cost of capital and the slowing of net income gains.

GCC 2012 A Region in Review

2012 was a year of change, from an economic, political and social perspective. Newly elected and re-elected leaders sought to reform and revive, while international visitation fluctuated as a result of the rehabilitation of certain destinations.

100% Occupancy? Cheap Face!

The Hong Kong market continues to make waves for its outstanding occupancy performance year after year. Owners are exuberant when hotel management fills their properties. But is it really a time to bask in glory?

Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook November, 2012

Hotel Financing Parameters in Canada

Extraordinary Growth Opportunities in Indonesia for Hotel Chains

Extraordinary growth opportunities in Indonesia for developers, investors and hotel chains in the next 10 years

Demand High, Hotel Supply Low in Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota

Billions of barrels of unextracted oil have drawn masses of companies, crews, and support personnel to parts of Montana and North Dakota. The boom could last for decades, prompting the need for new hotels.

Hotel Market Snapshot, Verona, Italy

This article discusses the Verona hotel market in terms of supply and demand and analyzes the past tourism trends by presenting recent hotel performance parameters.
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