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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS European Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2011

The 2011 European Hotel Valuation Index tracks trends in upscale hotel values in 33 key European markets. 2010 was a year of recovery for the hotel sector: average hotel values per room across Europe, measured in euro, increased by 1.5%.

2010 South America Hotel Market Overview

2010 South America Hotel Market Overview offers a detailed Economic and Tourism analysis focusing on four key markets – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima and Bogota, setting future trends and opportunities.

HVS Report: Foreign Direct Investment, Commercial Real Estate, and Hotel Development in Mexico City

Mexico City is one of the most densely populated and developed urban areas in the world. How will rising foreign direct investment amplify the dynamics of the city’s office and lodging markets in the wake of the recent recession?

The Hotel Investment Climate In Syria: Silk Route Ready For Remix

In this article we take a brief look at the investment potential of the Syrian tourism market with special emphasis on Damascus as hoteliers and investors gear up to enter Damascus and other Syrian cities in search of new opportunities.

Three Steps of Effective Asset Management: Assessment, Implementation and Measurement

To add value, asset managers must provide asset oversight that translates into quantifiable value to a hotel owner. This article presents three basic steps that asset managers should follow in order to provide effective asset management.

Las Vegas Casino and Hotel Market Outlook 2011

Although the Las Vegas market has historically weathered periods of economic decline and downturns in visitation and is beginning to show signs of improvement, the rate and extent of a future recovery are uncertain at this time.

Branded Residences – Towards the Three Way Win

A review of the Branded Residence sector based on the results of the 2010 EHL Strategy Challenge at the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne when 150 students set about forecasting the future of Timeshare, Branded Residences and Fractional Ownership.

Resorts - A Focus On Value

What is a Resort? How should the performance of Resorts be benchmarked and does this affect how we manage and value a Resort property? In the first of two articles we explore the Resort business model and where the value drivers lie.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2010

The 2009/10 hotel development survey reports updated per-room development costs through the end of 2010. This year's survey reveals a range of factors impacting the turnkey cost of hotel development.”

Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 4º trimestre de 2010

A boa fase da economia nacional continua a estimular o crescimento da demanda e da receita em todos os mercados acompanhados. Esta última, porém, sofreu desaceleração no período analisado, em virtude do crescimento reduzido da ocupação.
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