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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Boston’s Waterfront District: Harboring Potential for Hotels

Boston’s burgeoning Waterfront District has been part of a rising tide of demand for local hotels, and expansion of the city’s convention market has created a need for thousands of additional rooms.

Florida Newsletter - First Quarter 2012 Miami Continues to Appeal to Hotel Investors

Year-end 2011 RevPAR in Miami-Dade County surpassed the 2007 level, or what is generally regarded as the peak of the market. The Miami Beach, Downtown/Brickell, and the Airport markets performed strongly and are poised to have another great year.

HVS European Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2012

The 2012 European Hotel Valuation Index tracks trends in upscale hotel values in 33 key European markets. 2011 started as a year of improved performance, but it deteriorated to renewed uncertainty about the future during the second half of the year.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2011/12

The 2011 hotel development survey reports updated per-room development costs through the end of 2011. This year's survey reveals a range of factors impacting the turnkey cost of hotel development.

Hotel Transaction Activity Slows, Cap Rates Rise

Major hotel sales activity was robust during the first half of 2011. Transactions have resumed but will continue to face headwinds in 2012 due to continuing economic and political uncertainty.

2011 European Hotel Transactions

Total European hotel transaction volume reached approximately €7.1 billion in 2011, an increase of 9% on the €6.5 billion recorded in 2010.

The Hotel Industry Outlook- U.S. Hotel Transactions

Suzanne Mellen's Presentation at the ALIS Conference on January 23, 2012

Hotel Market Snapshot Amsterdam, The Netherlands

An overview of the main drivers of hotel performance through the economic crisis, into the early recovery in 2010 and towards the fourth quarter of 2011, we discuss recent hotel transactions, announced developments and values per room in the city.

Hotel Investment Sentiment in France - Conservatively Optimistic Expectations

HVS and ESSEC surveyed the French hotel market and gauged investment and lending parameters used. This article reports the results of the participants’ expectations. Lending and investment parameters will be reported in a forthcoming article.

Lessons from the 2011 U.S. Hotel Appraisals Hospitality Conference

Hotel loans, transactions, and performance were on every hotelier’s mind at this year’s conference in Atlanta. Hospitality experts from all walks of life were on hand with answers and advice on how to move ahead.
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