Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
803 results
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In Defense of the "Rushmore Approach" for Valuing the Real Estate Property Component of a Hotel

A hotel is a unique form of real estate consisting of four components: land, improvements, personal property, and the going business. Does it sound reasonable that the land and improvements account for only 36% of the overall total value?

What is the Future for the Polish Hotel Industry?

What are the current hotel trends in Poland? What is holding back the development of Poland's Hotel industry? This article answer these questions and helps shed light on Poland's hotel industry as a whole.

Canadian Lodging Outlook October 2005

The Facts About Induced Demand

The Facts About Induced Demand

There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the issue of large meeting and convention oriented hotels and their ability to induce demand to a market.

The Dubai Hotel Market - Hot or Soon to Overheat...?

The article assesses the hotel boom in Dubai and the future trends of the market.

Marrakech - A City Of Cultural Tourism

Morocco has identified tourism as a major growth area which is to be implemented through the Plan Azur. HVS is launching three articles on Morocco with the first one focusing on tourism trends and the outlook of Marrakech as a destination.
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