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54 results

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2021-Q2

Limited-Service hotels are leading the recovery in 2021 with YTD June showing higher occupancy than in 2020 and RevPAR down only just over $1. Full-Service hotels face greater challenges but the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to shine!

Targeting Hotel Staycation Demand in Canada and Beyond

Due to travel restrictions, Staycations flourished as one of the few remaining sources of leisure demand. We interviewed hospitality experts and conducted a survey to gather data on consumers’ behavior and hoteliers’ response with regards to Staycations in Canada and beyond. Through this article, we share innovative strategies hoteliers can use to develop competing Staycation packages aiming to attract one of the identified Staycations subsegments: Dreamers, Explorers and Business Staycationers.

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2021-Q1

Towards the end of first quarter of 2021, the Canadian Hotel industry has begun to see slight improvement in demand; Western Canada led the strongest demand improvement over 2020 while the Atlantic bubble continues to deliver a devastating impact to the market.

Autism and the Hospitality Industry: An Interview with Autism Double-Checked

As we observe World Autism Awareness Day, we want to highlight what our industry can do to help support individuals with autism. To better understand the diversity challenges, growing diversity programs, and opportunities to be more inclusive within the hospitality industry, we interviewed the founders of Autism Double-Checked, an organization that provides autism-specific training to hotel staff to create more autism-friendly travel experiences.

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2020-Q4

2020: A year like no other in the Canadian Hotel Industry, a year to capitalize on fine tuning operations to be more efficient for when demand returns in 2021.

Hotel Sales Teams: 2020 is Behind Us but Not the Pandemic. Now What?

In Spring 2020, many hotels were forced to furlough most on-property Sales Managers because so much demand for hotels disappeared with the pandemic, requiring any remaining team members to be responsible for market segments which previously were not their responsibility. These remaining Sales Managers were forced to adapt to many other changes in a short time, including rescheduling/canceling events.

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2020-Q3

Through Q3 2020, RevPar in Canada continues to deteriorate, declining 61% over 2019. Hotels in the luxury segment and those with more than 500 rooms have taken the brunt of the impact. Covid-19 is not affecting markets uniformly across the country. The Okanagan and Northern Ontario markets have fared best with decreases of 33% and 35% while the hardest hit market, Downtown Montreal has a RevPAR decline close to 80%. With the pandemic not slowing, we don’t foresee improvement until the spring.

Social Media Marketing in the Hotel Industry: Trends and Opportunities in 2017

Mobile phone proliferation and the rise in social media users is poised to present unique opportunities for hotel companies. How are hotels currently utilizing social media marketing and are they ready for the future?

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2020-Q2

Through Q2 2020 the Canadian lodging industry is experiencing a RevPAR decrease of close to 55%. The luxury segment and hotels with more than 500 rooms have taken the brunt of the Covid-19 impact on lodging demand. The summer leisure domestic demand should prove a short term uptick in Q3.

Canadian Lodging Outlook Quarterly 2017-Q2

The Canadian Lodging Industry experienced 7.0% RevPAR growth through June 2017. Wow! ADR is the main contributor particularly in the Luxury segment caused by the low dollar with Ontario and British Columbia leading the pack.