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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Recent Trends in Vacationland: The Ebb and Flow of the Coastal Maine Lodging Market

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Coastal Maine market, including Portland, has experienced a renaissance of leisure travel. This seasonal drive-to market has remained a stalwart of the New England region, while corporate and group-focused urban cores have been slower to rebound. Pent-up demand has catapulted Coastal Maine markets beyond pre-COVID peaks. This article highlights the market’s triumphs and challenges in recent years.

Almost Home: The Boston Hotel Market Approaches a Recovery

Boston’s hotel market came up strong in 2022, exceeding expectations. Despite anticipated recessionary impacts in 2023, a full recovery is on the horizon for this market.

Can Hotel ADRs Overcome High Inflation?

This report looks at the evolution of UK inflation over the last 50 years and discusses how ADR in London hotels has responded.

HVS Monday Musings: Should Localization be the New Standard in the Indian Hotel Industry?

Is it time for the Indian hotel industry to pursue a well-defined localization strategy, given changing consumer preferences and market dynamics? Continue reading to learn more.

Total Spend Can Be Your Friend

Revenue managers should think like options traders. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery taught hotel operators that average daily rates can be extremely volatile. Revenue-management strategies focused on total guest spend can help mitigate the risk involved in achieving RevPAR share through a high ADR. Management companies need to incorporate techniques and practices to evaluate all possible revenue-generating strategies.

HVS Monday Musings: The Road to Net-zero in the Indian Hotel Industry

Despite increased efforts, the Indian hotel industry's sustainability initiatives are still limited to hotel operations. Hotels are often criticized for their conspicuous consumption and a concerted effort to reduce consumption and waste across the board is now needed. Read on to know more.

Hotel Franchising in Europe – The Push Continues for New Ways to Expand

Hotel Franchising in Europe is an update of our previous report published in 2019. This report aims to assist owners in increasing their understanding and awareness of the franchise business model and current market trends. The fees outlined in this report apply solely to hotels operating in Europe.

Challenging Trends Currently Facing Hospitality Executive Teams

As the hospitality industry reopens, organizations face challenges that include labor shortages, rampant inflation, and soaring demand. An active mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market and widespread global instability are compounding the issues, forcing executive teams to find innovative ways to survive and thrive.

HVS Monday Musings: Hotel Asset Management is Essential for an Unbiased Perspective

Many hotel owners are now understanding how crucial it is to work together with experienced, professional asset managers to assess and enhance their hotel's performance. Read on to know more.

Düsseldorf Hotel Market Pulse – Is it the Rhine's Turn for Growth?

This market pulse provides an overview of the tourism and hotel market in Düsseldorf, Germany. It discusses recent tourism trends and the strength of recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic as well as providing a summary of the hotel pipeline.
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