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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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2010 Franchise Fee Guide - Europe

The Hotel Franchise Fee Guide - Europe aims to assist owners in increasing their understanding and awareness of the franchise business model. Franchising in Europe is still much less developed than it is in the USA, but it is gaining ground.

Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 1º trimestre de 2010

O levantamento preliminar do desempenho da hotelaria brasileira no 1º trimestre de 2010 indica continuidade na tendência observada desde o final de 2009, com forte crescimento da demanda em todos os mercados acompanhados, exceto em Salvador.

Os obstáculos para viabilizar novos hotéis

A crise ficou para trás, mas ainda há muitos obstáculos para a implantação de novos hotéis. Quando identificar uma boa oportunidade, não a deixe escapar.

CHILE - An Earthquake Shakes the Latin American Soul

The morning of Saturday, February 27, 2010, will be hard to forget. A massive earthquake, magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale, ravaged areas of this small nation.

How Convention Centers Influence Hotel Markets

HVS recommends using regression models to measure the impacts of convention centers on their surrounding hotel markets.

Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 4º trimestre de 2009

O levantamento preliminar do desempenho da hotelaria brasileira no 4º trimestre de 2009 traz indícios de que a crise econômica terminou para a hotelaria nacional.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is the fifth in a series of articles that HVS will be producing every month on a series of key markets with STR Global. Our analysis for this market is based on a sample of more than 25,800 rooms, as provided by STR Global .

Inside the Valuation of the Yellowstone Club

In 2009, HVS provided valuation and expert testimony for the Yellowstone Club in US Court. The appraisal of the private club, resort and master planned community, financed by Credit Suisse, shares insights into causes of the global financial crisis.

Como reinvestir em hotéis?

Há uma perspectiva de que surjam incentivos para reinvestir em hotéis. Entre os incentivos, estão recursos do BNDES e boas oportunidades de mercado. Mas como realizar um reinvestimento hoteleiro da maneira mais adequada?
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