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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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An HVS Guide to Hotel Revenue Management

Revenue management for hotels has transformed over the past four decades, though some of its tried and true principles remain in place. What does the practice of modern revenue management mean to hotel operations?

In Focus: Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix’s growth in 2015 reflects the hopes of hotel developers and owners in the market, as performance closes in on pre-recession levels.

In Focus: Houston, TX

Thanks to energy-driven demand, Houston achieved record occupancy levels in 2014. The recent fall of oil and gas prices and more than 5,000 new rooms on the horizon poses a challenge to market-wide occupancy, though average rates continue to climb.

In Focus: Seattle, WA

Occupancy swung above 75% for Seattle’s hotel industry in 2014, a reflection of the city’s blossoming economy. High demand has also supported strong average rates and rising hotel values.

In Focus: Denver, CO

Denver’s growth this year reflects what many hotel developers and owners have been witnessing—as a market for jobs, business, and development, Denver continues to outperform.

The Increasing Importance of Branded Residences

We have interviewed industry experts to explore the strategies and future growth opportunities for branded residences on a global scale. This article represents our findings based on a sample of eight luxury international branded residence operators.

Segmenting Millennial Travelers Business vs. Leisure

How do you gain the loyalty of millennials? This article analyzes the top two opportunities by segmenting the next generation of travel: millennial business travelers vs. millennial leisure travelers.

Market Intelligence Report 2013: Cleveland

This past year, Cleveland has gained a major casino, a world-class aquarium, and a state-of-the-art convention center. How does this impact the lodging market?

Dallas Market Intelligence Report 2013

A multitude of major industries consistently generates demand for hotels in Dallas, where unemployment is falling and economic output is picking up. This article looks at developments and dynamics across Dallas’s hotel submarkets.

Market Intelligence Report 2013 New Orleans

Activity in medicine, technology, conventions, and tourism brought near-record visitation to New Orleans over the past year. Major developments, ranging from infrastructure to new business and cultural districts, continue to drive hotel demand.
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